The Power of Your Inner Voice
It says:
“Look at yourself, how old you are!”
“Who do you think wants to hear this from you!”
“Everybody knows this already, it will be boring…”
“Who do you think you are anyway…”
… Feel free to continue. Do you know it?
It is the voice inside our own head. We all have it. Sometimes it says nice things, but sometimes it can be a monster. And sometimes we don’t even know it talks. And we’re just feeling bad.
We try to fight it. More or less successfully.
It can make us sick to our stomachs, make our voice (or hands) tremble, even in a simple presentation, in a conversation with someone we care about… we lose our grounding.
If you don’t have it, good for you! I’ve definitely got one 😊.
A client in #coaching asked me „What can I do with it? If I try to silence it, it only gets stronger.”
As far as I know, there are about 3 ways how to go about it:
1. Fight with it (that doesn’t work very well).
2. Ignore it (as my friend @Alexandra Hubackova says, “I hear you. You already said that. Don’t you have something new?”)
3. OR (and this might sound a bit weird) accept it with kindness and try to have a chat.
After all, it is a part of you. And maybe in its own awkward and unpleasant way, it wants something good for you.
Try it. Ask yourself: What good can it possibly want for me?
My clients often say „it probably wants to protect me from jumping into this too quickly… it wants me to pay attention… it wants me to prepare well… it wants to protect me from disappointment…)
Once you start looking, you’ll find something 😊. And that in and of itself can be quite liberating.
And then you can chat, answer it. Something like this:
Hey, I can see/hear you.
Thank you for taking care of me.
I’ve got this, because…
And see if that helps.
It’s just another option. But it’s a pretty good one 😊.

Photo by Delfina Cocciardi on Unsplash
Watch this amazing video as an extra inspiration to this topic