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Mindset Shift to Better Performance

My true passion is diving. That’s where I feel at home. Golf? Well, that happened sort of by accident, and to be honest, I’m not all that great at it.

Yesterday was another one of those not-so-great days.

Socket, slice… a total disaster with the occasional good shot.

Feelings of frustration mixed with my determination that I’ll concentrate better and the next shot will be THE one.

My practice swing? Picture-perfect. The actual swing? Let’s not even go there…

I kept thinking: “I can’t do this, all these bad shots are driving me nuts!” Yet deep down, I know when things align, it’s magic.

Then, I tried a different approach. I decided to celebrate every good shot, instead of focusing on my desperation about the not-so-great ones. And to be humble. I decided to toss my ambitions aside.

Just to clarify… When I say I tossed my ambitions aside, I do not mean I gave up. I still gave it my absolute best.

I shifted my focus and my mindset.

And to my surprise..

The very next hole, I scored my best score ever 👏. And then again. And yet again. I couldn’t repeat the magic more; my mental breakthrough came a bit late in the game.

And the best part of this?

It always amuses me how I re-discover something I’ve known for ages. I’ve been practicing similar concepts since my Mindfulness training a decade ago. Yet, somehow, I forgot all about it on the golf course.

But that is ok! There’ll be plenty more opportunities, both on the golf course and in life 😉.

Where could a similar shift in mindset and focus benefit you?

Mindfulness practice