Do you like getting feedback?
A 2019 Gallup study suggests that:
- 26% of employees say feedback helps them do their job better
- On the flip side, 30% of employees feel feedback decreases their performance.
Yet, when we have little or no feedback, a whopping 98% of people lose motivation, and 4 out of 10 employees feel actively disengaged.
In another study, I stumbled upon a fun fact: Hearing the phrase “Would you mind if I give you some feedback?” feels worse than paying a speeding ticket, handing over taxes, or even suffering from a really bad hangover…
So it seems we both want and need feedback, but we have this love-hate relationship with it.
Why is that?
Well, feedback sits right at the intersection of two fundamental human needs:
- To learn and grow.
- To be accepted just the way we are (and feedback inherently suggests that it is not an A-game).
Sometimes, just understanding this dynamic can be useful for us. Recognizing where that mixed feeling comes from can be quite soothing.
How do you feel about it?

Photo by Alysa Bajenaru on Unsplash.