+420 723 560 183 me@katerinakryllova.com


In this space, I’d like to tell you about my new projects and events so that you can see “what’s happening behind the scenes”.
Enjoy and see you at my workshops or coaching sessions.

Together for Ten Years

Together for Ten Years

We get together every Friday. 8:00 am. My #mastermind. Four pairs of ears that listen with care, and genuine interest. Four people who follow their stories, remember what I said five years ago, and can kindly remind me. They’re smart and thoughtful. We laugh a lot. It’s often a deep dive. We rarely see each other in person, and it’s ok.

Bali inspirations

Bali inspirations

I was in Bali this year. Again. This was my fourth time. I love that place, it teaches me something new every time. One moment I’m sitting on this beautiful beach full of awful plastic trash. I feel strongly that I don’t want it there. It fills me with frustration. So I practice. I try to let it both be in my attention. The beauty and the ugliness. I create space in my mind for both.

The Caterpillar Story

The Caterpillar Story

Collecting stories has been my thing for years. Especially the ones about caterpillars. Ever heard the one about the caterpillar and the butterfly? So, imagine this: On a bright sunny day, two caterpillars are crawling in a meadow. They look up and see a butterfly flying high above them. It’s up so high that it makes their heads spin.
At that moment..

Mindset Shift to Better Performance

Mindset Shift to Better Performance

Looking for a mental bootcamp? Try golf 😉. Ambition, frustration, insecurity.. all these emotions are immediately visible there and you can witness firsthand how your mind influences performance. Discover a universal shift that can help you not just on the golf course but beyond.

How do you do empathy?

How do you do empathy?

Empathy is a fascinating discipline. We often believe we understand it, thinking it’s straightforward and we do it quite well. We put ourselves in other persons’ shoes and offer them support. But what if there is more to it?
What if sometimes our “empathy” is the opposite of support?

Assertiveness in Shanghai

Assertiveness in Shanghai

I delivered in-person assertiveness training in various countries and cultures: Spain, France, Romania, Czech, Germany and China, and more online. There are many differences, but at the end of the day, one lesson was more important than anything else.

Tell me what you need.
Let’s explore how I can help you.

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