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Assertiveness in Shanghai

common humanity is our deepest hope

“Is this going to work?” That’s what I thought a few years back when I was asked by my client to deliver a training on assertiveness in Shanghai. Such differing cultures and perhaps even a possible conflict with the concept of candid communication itself…

I prepared like hell. Then, I flew halfway across the world. The training began and… it was a disaster.

Language appeared to be a significant barrier; it seemed like no one understood what I was saying. On top of that, nearly everyone was glued to their computers, as if multitasking was the norm during a soft-skills training session. Despair was creeping in.

But then, everything changed.

After our first break, I simplified my language. Through a quick exercise, I showed them that if they were busy typing an email, they’d miss out on everything I was sharing. I think they realized they didn’t want to miss out. That’s when we connected, and from there, everything went great!

I’ve taught assertiveness in various countries and cultures. France, Spain, Germany, Romania, Czech Republic.. and online even across more areas of the world.

And what have I learned in the process?

Yes, there are countless differences, both personal and cultural.
But at the end of the day, at the heart of it all, something much deeper connects us all.

As human beings, we share similar desires and we face similar struggles.
We long for satisfaction and prosperity in relationships. Regardless of the country & the culture, we always ended up having very similar conversations.

I’d say I’m a realistic optimist. I believe that as humans, we are more connected than it might sometimes appear. 😊.

What if we don't have to choose?